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Managing freelance and temporary employees with Employment Hero

Published 21 Jul 2022

Is your company reliant on freelancers or temporary employees for certain functions, or to fill some talent gaps?

Now that remote work has become the new normal, tapping on freelancers or casual employees to help your business face the challenges of this digital economy isn’t anything out of the ordinary.

A HRIS platform like Employment Hero can help you tackle those problems effectively and efficiently, and help you stay compliant along the way. Our platform is packed full of nifty features that you’ll find incredibly handy when managing your freelance and temporary employees.

Here’s how you can use the Contractor features on Employment Hero to effectively manage them.

Please note: As every country has different legal requirements about the hiring of freelance and temporary employees, please consult an employment law specialist if you are unsure about the rules and requirements in your country.

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