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Integrate with

Go1 is the largest curated eLearning library from the world's top training providers, available for a single subscription. If you have an existing subscription, you can integrate it with Employment Hero.
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Why integrate with Go1?

Assign learning content

After connecting Employment Hero with your existing Go1 account, you can assign your existing learning content to employees directly from your Employment Hero account.

More HR software features

Person writing in journal on desk

Track progress

Track employee progress as they progress through their assigned learning content and use certifications to track completions.

More learning management features


A close-up photo of a person typing on a laptop, wearing a white blouse and a smartwatch

Create your own learning content

Use Go1’s functionality to create induction and learning content specific to your business.

More onboarding features

Man sitting on a red chair, holding a phone and smiling

Access premium learning content

Access premium learning content for your employees to access 24/7 and upskill in the areas that interests them most.

More employee growth features

A photo of two women having a casual conversation in a bright office space

Try Employment Hero Today

Chat with us today and find out how we can help your employee management system integration needs.
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