Performance reviews may be a relic of the employment world of old, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be effective. In fact, with a strong structure, they can be an incredibly useful tool to motivate, inspire and reward your team for their hard work.
Our checklist is here to help you give your performance reviews a glow-up and create a great experience.
What is in this performance review checklist?
The checklist takes you through all the essential steps that managers need to take to conduct a great performance review. The sections are split up into before, during and after the performance review, and give ideas on how best to complete each step.
To download the checklist, fill in the form.
Disclaimer: The information in this checklist is relevant as at 20 November 2023, and has been prepared by Employment Hero Pty Ltd ABN (11 160 047 709) (Employment Hero). The views expressed herein are general information only and are provided in good faith to assist employers and their employees. The Information is based on data supplied by third parties. While such data is believed to be accurate, it has not been independently verified and no warranties are given that it is complete, accurate, up to date or fit for the purpose for which it is required. Employment Hero does not accept responsibility for any inaccuracy in such data and is not liable for any loss or damages arising either directly or indirectly as a result of reliance on, use of or inability to use any information provided in this checklist.
How often should you evaluate employee performance?
The frequency of performance reviews can vary, but the most important thing to remember is that they should be regular, rather than sporadic. You’ll get no benefits from the process if performance reviews are conducted every now and again.
There are many benefits of doing regular performance reviews with your team:
- You’ll be much better informed about the way things are at your company.
- You get the chance to set your expectations over a certain time period for staff.
- Performance reviews allow you to discuss any issues in a professional, formal setting.
- As a manager, you gain insight into how happy your employees are.
- Together with your employee, you’ll find ways to improve their performance.
- Employees will feel more secure, valued and included in your team.
Despite this, performance reviews shouldn’t be your only way to evaluate employee performance. Top performing companies have gotten that way by creating consistent feedback loops. From informal feedback on a piece of work to recognition and retrospectives on a big project, performance management should be an underlying constant of work.
Read more:Â Performance review bundle
What should you look for in employee performance evaluations?
As a starting point, it’s important to take a look back at the employee’s past performance and work record and look for areas where the employee’s performance can be improved. Make sure you take your time before the review to look over that individual employee’s work over the last 3-6 months – not just recent events.
Some of the most important points to cover during a performance review and to include in your agenda are:
- Do the employee’s day-to-day actions align with your business objectives?
- Is the employee held accountable for their duties and expectations?
- Are there documents to support your employee’s work habits?
- Does the employee need to be recognised or awarded for performing well?
- Is the employee compensated clearly and fairly for their work initiatives?
For more resources, check out our performance review guide and our performance review template. These work in tandem with our checklist for a full manager toolkit to success.
Employment Hero can power up your performance reviews
Employment Hero’s performance review feature gives you access to a range of templates, custom rating scales and cascading goals. It’s a sure-fire way to get the most out of your team come performance review time.
To find out more, contact our team today.
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