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Workplace Social Events Policy Template

Workplace Social Functions Policy Template

What’s in the template?

As a company, you may organise staff social functions from time to time. These functions may be held either on work premises or at another venue. Whilst these functions are for the enjoyment of staff, it’s important to ensure that everyone conducts themselves in a professional and responsible manner. This includes meeting the expected behavioural standards.

Looking for a policy to ensure everything goes to plan at staff social events? This policy template can help keep everyone safe so you can build staff morale and positive working relationships.

This template is fully customisable to your business situation.

IMPORTANT: This document has been prepared by Employment Hero Pty Ltd to assist employers to create workplace documents between their business and their employees. While due care has been taken in preparing the document, no responsibility is accepted by the author for the accuracy or suitability of the information contained. All liability is expressly disclaimed for any loss or damage which may arise from any person relying on, using or acting on any information contained therein. If you require specific advice, please contact Employment Innovations.

Workplace Social Functions Policy Template
To download the template, we just need a few quick details.
To download the template, we just need a few quick details.
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