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Integrate with
Note It.

Combine Employment Hero with Note It for a full featured, cloud-based, workforce continuous performance management and payroll processing solution.
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Why integrate with Note It?

Management from a single location

Manage all of your employee performance records in a single location.

Person writing in journal on desk

Flexible feedback capture

Capture feedback anywhere, anytime on any device.

Man sitting on a red chair, holding a phone and smiling

Proactive performance evaluation

Proactively manage unsatisfactory performance, and prevent grievances or unfair dismissal claims. Recognise high performance and drive a culture of ownership. Influence behaviours that enhance performance.

man typing on laptop - EOFY HR payroll checklist

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Why integrate Note It with Employment Hero Payroll?

Note It was built from the ground up so that leaders could be more effective in their role. It was specifically designed for continuous proactive management of performance, so that organisations could focus on developing and sustaining high performing teams. It is intuitive and available on multiple platforms so that you can capture the moments that matter anytime, anywhere.

Simple and delightful to use alongside Employment Hero Payroll, it improves the quality and quantity of performance feedback exponentially – and accompanied by invaluable data driven insights, instantly provides a new perspective for leaders and organisations.

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