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Integrate with
Power BI via SyncEzy.

Integrate Employment Hero Payroll with Power BI to build dynamic, automated dashboards from your payroll data.

Do more with Power BI.

Powerful reports through Power BI

Visualise your payroll graphically, analyse trends and slice and dice as needed.  Reports and dashboards update based on refreshed data as soon as payroll is done.

image of a person typing on a laptop

Automated extraction of data

Automate the process of extracting and updating data from Employment Hero’s payroll system. Data in reports is refreshed every two hours, providing near real-time insights.

Two men discussing something over a laptoip

Agnostic database exports

Data can be agnostically exported into an SQL database, which makes it compatible with various reporting applications – not just Power BI. This flexibility lets you choose the reporting tool that best fits your needs, allowing you to connect any other dashboard tool such as Crystal Reports, Tableau or more.

Benefits of integrating Employment Hero Payroll with Power BI

  • Near real-time visualisation: Enables timely analysis by providing real-time visualisation of payroll data. Build your report once and have it automatically update based on refreshed data from the latest payroll.
  • Informed decision-making: Allows for the analysis of payroll trends and metrics, aiding in making more informed choices. Analyse your payroll data like never before. Slice and dice it using filters slicers and controls in Power BI or your reporting application.
  • Custom reports and dashboards: Create custom reports and dashboards that are aligned with what you want to see in the data. Build a report once and extend it to all franchises or other organisations.
  • Efficiency and time savings: Offers seamless data updates for streamlined monitoring, saving time and effort​​. Welcome to the 21st century – stop doing Excel CSV exports and imports.

“The automation process provided by SyncEzy has revolutionised our payroll processes.”
Stacie Forbes, Payroll Officer
Man sits at a table on his laptop, while his colleagues surround him observing his work

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