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101 Employee wellbeing survey questions [Free Template]

Published 22 Apr 2022

These handpicked staff wellbeing questions cover the areas of:

  • Mental & Occupational Health
  • Ergonomics
  • Preferred perks and benefits
  • And More!

Employee wellbeing surveys are an easy and budget-efficient way to seek employee feedback from your team members.

Although there are so many survey questions around the dimensions of employee wellness that you could ask, we recommend addressing some key areas with direct questions that will yield helpful insights.

What is in this employee wellness survey template?

We’ve collected our favourite employee wellbeing survey questions that will help you form a dynamic employee wellness program in 2022.

You can send these health and wellness survey questions for employees as part of a workplace wellbeing questionnaire to gauge where your company stands in employee wellbeing.

How the employee wellness survey looks like
A sneak peek of how the employee wellness survey looks like

These handpicked staff wellbeing questions cover the areas of;

  • Mental health
  • Ergonomics
  • Occupational health
  • Preferred perks and benefits
  • and more!

Not ready for a new HR software? Download our survey template for a ready-made employee wellness survey and to kickstart your employee wellness program today.

What does employee wellness mean?

Wellness is so much more than regular exercising and eating well – and this is especially true when we’re talking about employee wellness in the workplace.

Popular thinking suggests that there are actually seven dimensions of wellness; physical, mental, financial, occupational, recreational, spiritual and relational.

With the average human spending approximately 90,000 hours at work in their lifetime, supporting each of these areas in the workplace is a necessity.

Why use employee wellness surveys?

Whether you’re just getting started in building your employee wellness program or you’re looking to give your wellness initiatives a refresh in 2022, employee surveys can give help you measure employee wellness in your company and provide essential insights into what your team wants.

You can use the survey results from your wellness survey to gauge where your company currently stand in terms of employee wellness and employee engagement.

Having a baseline on your employee’s physical and mental health will allow you to create actionable plans in efforts to improve employee wellness and allows you to measure the success of employee wellness initiatives.

But, how do you choose wellbeing questions to ask your team? This can be a tough question, especially when it comes to covering each dimension of health for remote and in-office teams.

101 Employee wellness survey questions

We’ve put together 101 – yes, 101 – workplace wellness survey questions that have covered it all.

Pick and choose out of the questions below for your employee wellbeing questionnaire.

Don’t have time to go through these survey questions?

Download our workplace wellness survey template now to get a list of handpicked staff wellbeing survey questions in a handy template, so you can start to survey employees right away.

Physical health and safety questions (In-Office Workers)

  1. Do you find the office temperature comfortable?
    Yes / No, it’s too hot / No, it’s too cold
  2. Do you find the office temperature comfortable?
    Yes / No, it’s too hot / No, it’s too cold
  3. Do you believe that you have easy access to water and cups/glasses in the office?
    Strongly Agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
  4. Do you find our office chairs comfortable throughout the day?
    Strongly Agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
  5. Do you find our desk set-up conducive to comfortable working and good posture?
    Strongly Agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
  6. Do you find the office lighting comfortable throughout the day?
    Strongly Agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
  7. Is there any other desk equipment that would make for a more comfortable workday?
    [Please specify]
  8. Do you feel that our Covid safety plan is effectively communicated or signposted around the office?
    Yes / No [Please specify why]
  9. Do you have any other suggestions to make the office more comfortable?
    No / Yes [Please specify]
  10. What kind of fitness or movement support would you like the company to offer in the office?
    Yoga / Personal Training / Running Club / Sports Teams / Ping Pong / Fitness events teams (e.g. fun runs) / Other (Please specify)
  11. How often would you like this to be available?
    Quarterly / Monthly / Fortnightly / Weekly
  12. Which of these additional fitness benefits would you like us to offer?
    [Choose multiple] Subsidised gym memberships / On-Demand online fitness videos / Subsidised fitness app subscription / Health and wellness team newsletters / Group fitness challenges (e.g. Steptember) / Other (please specify)
  13. Which of these additional nutrition benefits would you like us to offer?
    [Choose multiple] Healthy breakfast in the office / Healthy snacks in the office / Vouchers for healthy lunches / Access to a nutritionist / Subsidised nutrition app subscription / Healthy recipe-sharing Slack channel / Other (please specify)
  14. How much would you agree with this statement; I feel encouraged to get out of the office for fresh air during the day.
    Strongly Agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
  15. Do you have any other suggestions around fitness and nutrition benefits that we can offer?
    No / Yes (Please specify)
  16. How much would you agree with this statement; I feel comfortable in asking for and taking sick or personal leave.
    Strongly Agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
  17. How much would you agree with this statement; I feel confident that when I am off work on sick or personal leave, I will not be contacted and my work will be adequately managed on my behalf.
    Strongly Agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly Disagree

A group of five colleagues laughing together

Physical health and safety questions (Remote employees)

  1. Do you have a comfortable and quiet space to work in at home?
    Yes / No
  2. Do you have easy access to drinking water?
    Yes / No
  3. Do you have an adjustable office chair that provides lower back support?
    Yes / No
  4. Do you believe that you have access to all the tools and equipment you need to do your job comfortably from home?
    Yes / No (Please specify)
  5. Do you have a Covid safety plan at home?
    Yes / No 
  6. Do you need assistance to put together a Covid safety plan for your home?
    Yes / No
  7. If you were to contract coronavirus, do you have the right support network to help you through your isolation period?
    Yes / No
  8. Do you have a fire safety plan at home?
    Yes / No
  9. Do you need assistance to put together a fire safety plan for your home?
    Yes / No 
  10. Which of these additional fitness benefits would you like us to offer?
    [Choose multiple] Subsidised gym memberships / On-demand online fitness / On-demand online yoga / Live online yoga / Live personal training / Subsidised fitness app subscription / Health and wellness team newsletters / Virtual group fitness challenges (e.g. Steptember) / Other (please specify)
  11. Which of these additional nutrition benefits would you like us to offer?
    [Choose multiple] Virtual nutritionist sessions / Subsidised lunches and snacks / Healthy recipe-sharing Slack channel / Subsidised lunch meal boxes / Other (please specify)
  12. How much would you agree with this statement; I feel encouraged to leave my house for fresh air during the work day.
    Strongly Agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly Disagree

Mental health wellbeing questions (Covid-19)

  1. How worried are you about the impact of coronavirus on you personally?
    Extremely worried / Very worried / Somewhat worried / Not worried at all
  2. How often would you like the leadership team to communicate how the company will handle business complications due to coronavirus?
    Everyday / A few times a week / About once a week / Once a fortnight / Monthly
  3. How confident are you that you have the right resources and benefits from your company to help support working in isolation?
    Extremely confident / Very confident / Somewhat confident / Not so confident / Not confident at all 
  4. Outside of work, how confident are you that you have the right support network to help you mentally through an isolation period?
    Extremely confident / Very confident / Somewhat confident / Not so confident / Not confident at all
  5. To what degree are you experiencing a sense of ‘Covid burnout’ or ‘Covid fatigue’?
    Never / Sometimes / Often / Constantly
  6. How much has coronavirus negatively affected your stress levels at work?
    Not at all / Somewhat / Significantly
  7. How much has coronavirus negatively affected your sense of connection at work?
    Not at all / Somewhat / Significantly
  8. How much has coronavirus negatively affected your overall mental health?
    Not at all / Somewhat / Significantly

Mental health wellbeing questions (General)

  1. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your sense of work-life balance?
  2. What do you believe is the biggest threat to your work-life balance?
    (Please specify)
  3. (Allow anonymous responses) On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate the company’s commitment to your work-life balance?
    (Please specify)
  4. (Allow anonymous responses) How likely are you to discuss your mental health with your manager?
    Very unlikely / Unlikely / Somewhat likely / Likely / Very Likely 
  5. (Allow anonymous responses) How much would you agree with this statement; our team has an open dialogue around mental health.
    Strongly Agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
  6. (Allow anonymous responses) How much would you agree with this statement; our team and the company leaders do not stigmatise mental health issues.
    Strongly Agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
  7. (Allow anonymous responses) How much would you agree with this statement; it is easy for me to work productively.
    Strongly Agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
  8. How much would you agree with this statement; I’m content with my overall sense of mental wellbeing at work.
    Strongly Agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
  9. What do you believe to be a frustrating source of distraction?
    [Choose multiple] An expectation to instantly reply to emails / Frequent Slack notifications / Frequent urgent messages from colleagues / Frequent phone calls / Frequent text messages / Frequent meetings / Colleagues stopping by my desk / A generally busy office environment or workspace / Social media / Other (please specify)
  10. (Allow anonymous responses) How often would you say you have felt burnt out in the last 6 months?
    Everyday / Once a week / Once a month / Hardly ever
  11. (If you have an Employee Assistance Program) Are you aware of our Employee Assistance Program and how to use it?
    Yes / No
  12. How likely are you to use our Employee Assistance Program in times of need?
    Very unlikely / Unlikely / Somewhat likely / Likely / Very Likely
  13. Are you interested in learning more about meditation and mindfulness at work?
    Yes / No
  14. Which of these additional mental wellbeing benefits would you like the business to offer?
    [List options that your business will be able to offer/is considering offering]
    [Example list] An Employee Assistance Program / A subscription to a meditation app like Headspace / Additional mental health leave days / Mental health workshops / Subsidised mental health resources like books and audiobooks / A dedicated meditation zone within the office / Flexible working arrangements

Mental health wellbeing questions (Remote employees)

  1. What are the top three biggest challenges you are currently facing while working remotely?
    [Choose multiple] Communication with coworkers is harder / Social isolation / I don’t have access to the tools or information I need to do my job at home / General anxiety about the impact of coronavirus on my life / Getting enough food / Too many distractions at home / Internet connectivity / Keeping a regular schedule / My physical workspace / I’m sick or helping others who are sick / Childcare / Other (please specify]
  2. How much would you agree with this statement; I feel connected to my colleagues and it’s easy to communicate with them remotely.
    Strongly Agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
  3. How much would you agree with this statement; I feel that the business has created a strong company culture for remote workers.
    Strongly Agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
  4. (If your team is hybrid) How much would you agree with this statement; I feel just as considered and appreciated as my in-office colleagues.
    Strongly Agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
  5. (If your team is hybrid) How much would you agree with this statement; I feel like I have a good sense of work-life balance, I can finish the work day without feeling compelled to keep working at home.
    Strongly Agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
  6. What measures/activities would you like to see from the business to help you feel more connected while working remotely?
    [Choose multiple] Remote team-building games / Remote entertainment (e.g. comedy, music, magic) / Virtual lunches / Quick daily team catch ups / Donut (two team members are randomly connected for a coffee) / Virtual clubs and societies / Weekly catch-ups with my team / I want the company to organise in-person events / Other (please specify)

Financial wellbeing questions

  1. (Allow anonymous responses) How stressed have you felt about your personal finances over the last 12 months?
    Not stressed at all / Neither stressed or unstressed / Very stressed
  2. (Allow anonymous responses) How much did the pandemic affect your sense of financial stress?
    Not at all / Somewhat / Significantly
  3. (Allow anonymous responses) Is your happiness at work ever impacted by financial stress?
    Not at all / Somewhat / Significantly
  4. (Allow anonymous responses) Do you feel on track to reach your personal financial goals?
    Not at all / Somewhat / Very
  5. (Allow anonymous responses) Which of the following financial goals is the most important to you?
    [Choose one] Getting out of personal debt / Paying off a mortgage / Saving for a house deposit / Saving for travel / Saving for retirement / Saving for a car / Saving for a big ticket item / Building up an emergency fund / Building up an investment portfolio / Other (please specify)
  6. (Allow anonymous responses) Do you feel comfortable discussing your personal finances or financial goals with your manager? Yes / No / Unsure
  7. Which financial wellness benefit would you like us to offer? [Choose multiple] Discounts on everyday items / Discounts on movie tickets / Financial guidance on savings / Financial guidance on retirement / Financial guidance on mortgages / Subsidise health insurance / Subsidise my commute / Provide a health and wellness allowance / Newsletters with expert finance tips / Other (please specify)

Did you know that Employment Hero’s Discounts marketplace has thousands of savings on everyday items?

Employees using our platform can access great discounts on groceries, cinema tickets, UberEats, appliances and more; helping them save hundreds.

Woman working at home desk with dog in red vest

Occupational wellness questions

  1. (Allow anonymous responses) On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate our commitment to your career progression?
  2. (Allow anonymous responses) How much would you agree with this statement; I can see myself working here in five years.
    Strongly Agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
  3. (Allow anonymous responses) How much would you agree with this statement; Our company’s mission and values resonate with me.
    Strongly Agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
  4. (Allow anonymous responses) How much would you agree with this statement; I would happily be an advocate of the business to prospective employees.
    Strongly Agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
  5. (Allow anonymous responses) How much would you agree with this statement; I feel fulfilled by the work that I do.
    Strongly Agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
  6. (Allow anonymous responses) How much would you agree with this statement; I feel empowered to pursue training and development opportunities.
    Strongly Agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
  7. (Allow anonymous responses) How much would you agree with this statement; I receive appropriate recognition when I do good work.
    Strongly Agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
  8. (Allow anonymous responses) How much would you agree with this statement; My manager has shown a genuine interest in my career aspirations.
    Strongly Agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
  9. (Allow anonymous responses) How much would you agree with this statement; I feel like everyone is on the same team at the company.
    Strongly Agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
  10. (Allow anonymous responses) How much would you agree with this statement; I’m excited to see how my role grows with the company.
    Strongly Agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
  11. What development support would you like us to offer?
    [Choose multiple] Subscription to a Learning Management System / Tickets to conferences or industry events / Subscriptions to industry magazines or publications / A mentorship program / Short courses / Tertiary courses / Online workshops / Lunch and learns / Team training days / Other (please specify)
  12. What occupational support would you like us to offer?
    [Choose multiple] The ability to re-skill / The ability to change teams or departments / Promotion pathways / Training in Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) / Volunteer days / Rewards programs / Leadership programs / Other (please specify) 
  13. What kind of recognition programs would you like us to offer?
    [Choose multiple] Shout-outs on our HR platform / Mentions in all-staff meetings / Mentions in team meetings / Employee of the month awards / Yearly champion awards / Personalised notes from management / Peer-to-peer recognition opportunities / Other (please specify) 
  14. Do you feel that your work with the business aligns with your career goals?
    Very much so / Somewhat / Not at all
  15. Are you interested in pursuing leadership opportunities with the business?
    Yes / No / Unsure

Curious about Learning Management Systems (LMS)?

Learning Plus is Employment Hero’s LMS for Australian businesses with existing learning pathways, or those looking to provide learning and development opportunities to their workforce. Build, manage, assign, track and report all training requirements for your business.

Co-worker relationship questions

  1. Do you believe that the team works well together?
    Yes, we work cohesively and collaboratively / Somewhat, we have good and bad days / Somewhat, but our communication needs work / Somewhat, but we need a larger headcount / No, we need to improve our communication / No, we’re not united on our objectives / Other (please specify)
  2. Do you feel comfortable asking for feedback from your manager?
    Yes / No
  3. Do you feel comfortable giving feedback to your manager?
    Yes / No
  4. Do you feel like you’re given the opportunity to build strong relationships with your colleagues?
    Yes / No
  5. Do you feel like you are given the opportunity to actively participate in conversations?
    Yes / No
  6. Do you feel like you are listened to during meetings, conversations or online discussions?
    Yes / No
  7. Do you feel like you are free to share your thoughts and ideas in brainstorming sessions?
    Yes / No
  8. How much would you agree with this statement; I feel like I am accepted for who I am at work, and I’m free to be my authentic self.
    Strongly Agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
  9. How much would you agree with this statement; I feel like my colleagues are interested in who I am as a person, and value my opinion.
    Strongly Agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
  10. How much would you agree with this statement; I feel confident in raising any concerns with my manager or the business’ leadership.
    Strongly Agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly Disagree

Woman doing virtual yoga

Work-life balance questions

  1. How much would you agree with this statement; I feel comfortable in asking for and taking annual leave.
    Strongly Agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
  2. How much would you agree with this statement; I feel confident that when I am off work on annual leave, I will not be contacted and my work will be adequately managed on my behalf.
    Strongly Agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
  3. How much would you agree with this statement; I still feel like I have to check my emails and notifications, even when I’m on annual leave.
    Strongly Agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
  4. How much would you agree with this statement; I feel like I am able to disconnect from my work on the weekends.
    Strongly Agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
  5. Do you believe that you are given an opportunity to have bonding time with your colleagues around non-work related activities?
    Yes / No / Unsure
  6. Do you believe that you are given an opportunity to have bonding time with your colleagues around non-work related activities?
    Yes / No / Unsure

Spiritual wellbeing questions

  1. Do you feel that your religious beliefs are respected at work?
    Yes / No
  2. Do you feel that you can take time during the day for prayer or other religious commitments?
    Yes / No

Questions for working parents

  1. (Allow anonymous responses) Do you feel that you can take time during the day for your parenting commitments?
    Yes / No
  2. (Allow anonymous responses) Do you feel that the business’ leaders and your colleagues are understanding of your responsibilities as a working parent?
    Yes / No
  3. (Allow anonymous responses) Do you believe that you are offered the same opportunities as your colleagues who do not have children?
    Yes / No
  4. What else could we do to support you as a working parent?
    (Please specify)

Bring your employee wellness surveys to life

Employment Hero’s Custom Surveys feature allows you to send and collect workplace wellbeing survey results from all employees. Admins will be able to create and send them to employees and easily access, collate, track and analyse the feedback.

They allow you to easily identify any factors impacting your business so you can make improvements within your people strategy.

Employees can easily provide their employers with the feedback they need to improve their workplace experience, be more engaged and productive, or any other answers their employers are looking for.

Learn more about custom surveys and our other HR and benefits tools.

Register for wellness survey template.
Register for wellness survey template.
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