Is your organisation moving to flexible or remote working? Remote working is one of the most effective benefits that you can provide your employees. It can go a long way in ensuring work/life balance, employee wellbeing and an equitable workplace.
Ensure your organisation is covered by implementing a Remote Working Policy and Employee Agreement. The agreement must be read in conjunction with the Remote Working Policy.
All employees who request to work remotely, either on a casual or ongoing basis, are required to enter into a remote working agreement first.
All instances of working remotely under this Agreement must have the approval of the employee’s manager in advance. Should any circumstance change, a new agreement shall be entered into.
This remote working checklist will also help ensure you as an employer are covered in your duty of care obligations.
Download our printable version of both now. Entirely free.
What’s inside:
- Remote and Flexible Working Policy
- Remote and Flexible Working Employee Agreement
- Remote and Flexible Working Checklist
Disclaimer: While due care has been taken in preparing the document, no responsibility is accepted by the author for the accuracy or suitability of the information contained. All liability is expressly disclaimed for any loss or damage which may arise from any person relying on, using or acting on any information contained therein.

Download the remote work policy template now!