Employee engagement is a measure of how well your team members interact with their role, their colleagues and your business as a whole.
Highly engaged employees are likely to be motivated and committed to their work. This creates a better company culture, which then improves morale and employee satisfaction for other team members as well.
Our employee engagement scorecard can help you make that difference. We’ve listed the key things that successful companies do to improve their employee engagement, so you can grade your business’s progress.
Looking for ways to power-up employee engagement but don’t have a big budget? Here are some effective, low-cost strategies you can use today in our Low-cost ways to boost employee engagement eBook.
To download the scorecard, fill out the form on this page.
We’d suggest you take some time, make a cuppa and treat the scorecard as an honest audit of your company right now. How many boxes can you check off and what is your final score? It’s a great way to understand where your current strengths lie in employee engagement.
Then, make a plan to address the boxes still unchecked in the coming months. Under each box, we’ve included some helpful hints on how you can bolster your efforts.
For a strategic approach to improving your HR operations, download our HR Audit Checklist template and ensure you’re covering all bases.
Set a date for around 6 months time to test the scorecard again and track any improvements. Good luck!
Employee engagement is a broad concept, capturing the feelings that your team have about their work and the way in which they interact with the business. That’s why it can be difficult to analyse, as there aren’t any specific metrics that can grade employee engagement as a whole.
Our scorecard takes a wide-ranging approach, including different initiatives and methods used in companies with great employee engagement. You’ll get a point for each initiative you’re already using in your business, and be able to tally a final score out of 12.
It’s not an exact science, but it’s a good way to check your performance in lots of different aspects of employee engagement at once.
Generally engaged employees are those that enjoy their roles, feel supported and motivated to do their work. Measuring employee satisfaction and happiness is a useful way to check how any new employment engagement initiatives are faring. However, it is not the only way to measure employee engagement, and should not be the only information you’re relying upon.
To better understand the crucial metrics that drive success in managing your workforce, refer to our Complete guide to HR metrics.
In our scorecard, you’ll of course be aiming for a perfect 12 points! However, most companies won’t reach that 12 points, at least not for their first time using it. Every business will be different.
The most important thing when using this scorecard is that you’re using it as an honest appraisal of your company, and a tool for improvement. Any missed boxes are an opportunity to bring something new to the company.
A good employee engagement score is therefore always one where you’ve improved on a previous score, whether that’s by two points or six.
Our employee engagement scorecard has 12 defining factors that make up a score. The scorecard asks if your company:
For more information on each of these points, check out the complete scorecard by filling out the form.
Employee engagement is more than just a nice-to-have. If you want a thriving and productive business, you need an engaged team who have everything they need to succeed. To understand how engaged your team is, you need to measure that in more ways than just looking around the office.
Engaged employees are energised and passionate about their work and find it much easier to achieve and maintain positive mental health. These high-performing employees are more willing to go the extra mile, often without being asked, and raise the bar of the service offered by your company.
The benefits of employee engagement work for both employer and employee. Engaged workers will not only be happier and more fulfilled by their job but feel as though time in the workday passes much quicker.
An engaged workforce is focused on their work instead of waiting for the clock to allow them to go home.
We’d recommend a six-monthly frequency for using this employee engagement scorecard. That’s enough time to implement a few new initiatives or work towards a key area of improvement, but not long enough that it could get forgotten.
For your best chance of success, especially if you work in a busy environment, make sure you pop a date in your calendar for the next scorecard review.
With another year almost done and dusted, there’s never been a better time to get ready for the year ahead.
Achieving great engagement levels cannot be done by one process. As our scorecard shows, it requires a mix of communication channels, defining purpose, collaboration, and learning.
Take this opportunity to transform your culture, support your employees and build a fantastic workplace, and download our employee engagement scorecard.
For more support in improving employee engagement, find out how Employment Hero’s specialised software can make a difference.