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Hire Employees faster, no more job ads needed
Experience a new way to hire. Our AI platform uses your website information to auto-create common job roles, matches active jobseekers to them and lets you contact those who fit your needs. The best part - you only pay once they're hired!
Save up to 80% of recruiting costs.
Our solution 🚀
Find your next hire in seconds.
SmartMatch evaluates candidates' skills and experience and then curates a list of the most suitable applicants based on your company's needs.
- Access skilled candidates without posting a job ad
- Spend less time and money sourcing candidates
- Build a talent pipeline with a dynamic stream of candidates
How does it work?
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Find Your Perfect Hire
Review, Contact and Hire
Not Ready to Hire? Get Ahead.
Stay ready for opportunities, you have a ready pool of top talent to quickly fill roles as opportunities arise. This proactive approach keeps your business agile, minimising downtime and boosting productivity.
Trusted by thousands of businesses across the world.
Streamline your hiring process with SmartMatch
Build Pipelines and Connect with Top Talent
SmartMatch uses AI to analyse candidates’ skills, experience, and certifications, delivering a list of work-ready candidates directly to you. Skip sifting through irrelevant resumes and get matched with top talent, start meaningful conversations, and fast-track the hiring process.
Predict Future Hiring Needs
Anticipate future roles and proactively build your talent pipeline. When it’s time to hire, you’ll have a list of top candidates ready to go. SmartMatch is a game-changer for businesses aiming to attract, connect, and hire the right talent.
Fill Roles More Quickly and Efficiently
SmartMatch combines advanced recruitment technology with a robust candidate pool, eliminating the need for job advertisements. This reduces the time required to fill positions, facilitating faster and more efficient recruitment processes.
Ensure Bias Reduction
By focusing on skills and experiences rather than personal identification information, SmartMatch promotes fair and unbiased hiring practices, helping reduce biases in the workplace.
Get Better Candidate Alignment
SmartMatch tailors candidate recommendations to your specific role requirements, presenting the best matches for your business. Save time on creating job ads and reviewing applications, with pre-screened candidates available on demand, reducing the time to fill positions by at least two weeks.
Generate New Opportunities
SmartMatch’s evolving nature allows employers to create previously unconsidered job roles, opening up new opportunities for both employers and job-seekers. Adapt quickly to new trends and demands, ensuring job descriptions and candidate matches remain relevant in a constantly changing job market.